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Tema: El universo Warhammer cobra vida de la mano de Superman.

  1. #1
    Editor Avatar de Freeman
    Fecha de ingreso
    Mar 2015

    El universo Warhammer cobra vida de la mano de Superman.

    "For 30 years I have dreamt of seeing a Warhammer universe in live action. Now, after 22 years of experience in this industry, I finally feel that I have the skill set and experience to guide a Warhammer Cinematic Universe into life. Partnering with Natalie Viscuso at Vertigo has been a blessing beyond words, without her we might not have found the perfect home at Amazon. And having a home like Amazon will give us the freedom to be true to the massive scope of Warhammer.
    To all of you Warhammer fans out there, I promise to respect this IP that we love. I promise to bring you something familiar. And I endeavour to bring you something fantastic that is, as of yet, unseen.

    Our first steps are to find our Filmmaker/Creator/Writer. Watch this space, my friends.

    For The Emperor!"

    Henry Cavill.
    Última edición por Freeman; 16-12-2022 a las 10:50 PM

  2. #2
    Avatar de BlackSting
    Fecha de ingreso
    May 2014
    Nether Vortex.
    Le tengo confianza al proyecto.
    Más después de saber que el flaco abandono The Witcher por pasarse de pelotudos.

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