Two Asian teams denied US visas for Dota 2 International championships

Two teams appear to have been denied US visas for next month’s Dota 2 International tournament. China-based CIS-Game and Southeast Asian team Arrow Gaming are both facing the possibility that they’ll lose their place in the tournament, which takes place July 18-21 and offers a prize pool of nearly $10 million dollars.

According to posts on the LiquidDota forums, using Chinese social media platform Weibo as a source, CIS-Game was offered no reason for the denial except an apology. Translated by a member of the LiquidDota forums, a spokesperson from CIS-Game reportedly said the team will reapply for the visa. “The 4 Chinese players as well as [the] manager of CIS have been denied American visas, they're currently preparing for their second try.”

Meanwhile, Southeast Asian team Arrow Gaming has also had problems securing visas, prompting them to apply a second time. A spokesperson for the team provided the following statement to OnGamers.

"With the help from the Minister our chances to receive the visa is higher. Me and Johnny received our visas. However, the other 4 were not so lucky. Valve will also provide us with a stronger letter of invitation to the embassy. So yes, we are hopeful about the second interview. We haven't talked about what will happen if our applications were denied a second time. Valve pretty much guaranteed to help us the best they can to bring our team to Seattle."

Comiendo del tupper los de Cis-Game en el primer intento con la Visa, se las denegaron a 4 de ellos.
Están preparando el segundo intento, supporteado por una carta de Valve. Los más probable es que se las den, pero en caso de que no? Irían en su lugar los que hayan quedado terceros en el qualifier de china?

Que gracias a los amigos de la liquidpedia sabemos que es TongFu

A su vez los de arrow tan maso en la misma.

Ya ha pasado antes y no va a dejar de pasar de teams que se pierden eventos por estas cosas. Igual este no es cualquier evento, es el más importante y donde hay mas tarasca en juego :O