El creador de TMNT hablo con la gente de comic book movies entre otras cosas del nuevo diseño de las mismas, y no esta contento

CBM: What was your first reaction to the new Turtles?
PETER LAIRD: I was impressed with what I saw of the production values -- if nothing else, it looks like the new TMNT movie will have a lot of stuff going on and looking good (that toppling tower, for example) -- but the changes to the basic design of the Turtles seemed to me to fall into the "fixing what is not broken" category. It's altogether possible that, in the context of this new movie, these designs will work well and not seem so odd, but I still point to what Jim Henson's "Creature Shop" team did with their rendering of the Turtles in rubber and paint as the best translation (in live action, anyway) of the Turtles as Kevin Eastman and I created them.

That being said, so far I have only seen this short trailer with just a few brief glimpses of the Turtles. My opinion could change. One thing that comes to mind if how cool it would be if someone did CGI versions of those same Henson designs, with all the incredible flexibility and seamless action potential available with today's CGI.

CBM: A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan (via Reddit) gave the newly-designed Mikey and Leo a bit of digital plastic surgery. What do you think of them?

PETER LAIRD: It's interesting, and well done, and I think it points up one of the big problems (for me, anyway) with the new look created for the upcoming movie -- with those noses and very expressive lips, their faces look too human. Perhaps it is just my own personal preference, but the "noseless beak" look for the Turtles which Kevin and I used in all of our comics, and in pretty much all of the licensed material during the Mirage days (and which was really there from the very beginning, when Kevin drew that first "ninja turtle") is, in my opinion, a great way to immediately show that these guys are not human -- they're mutated reptiles. Creatures.

Of course, I could be wrong about the new design -- maybe in the context of the movie, it will work fine. From what I have seen so far, it is an excellent example of state-of-the-art character CGI. Perhaps it will become more popular than the noseless style which was used for the first twenty-five years. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Fuente: CBM

Cito esas dos para no citar toda la nota, pero tambien hablaron del tamaño de las tortugas que tambien mencionamos mas atras que son mucho mas grandes, y otra cosa que no habia notado que tienen mas personalizaciones aparte de los colores (Raphael wears sunglasses and a do-rag. Leonardo has bamboo armor. Donatello has goggles. Michelangelo gets a shark tooth necklace.)

Encara tambien como el flaco que hace la entervista le busca la 5ta pata al gato, pero Peter siempre da un paso atras y le dice que no prejuzgue tanto cuando solo se vio un trailer y hay muchas cosas que todavia no sabemos.