Cita Iniciado por Tortuga Ver mensaje
Como dije esto es debate doctrinario busquen mis niñas, y crezcan un poquito, no los quiero hacer enojar, entiendan que las personas pueden tener opiniones distintas:

As English-linguist Larry Andrews describes it, descriptive grammar is the linguistic approach that studies what a language is like, as opposed to prescriptive, which declares what a language should be like. In other words, descriptive grammarians focus analysis on how all sorts of people in all sorts of environments, usually in more casual, everyday settings, communicate, while prescriptive grammarians focus on the grammatical rules and structures predetermined by linguistic registers and figures of power for those who are under the control of said authorities to use. An example Andrews uses in his book is fewer than vs less than. A descriptive grammarian would state that both statements are correct, as long as the receiver of the message can understand the meaning behind the statement. A prescriptive grammarian, on the other hand, would analyze the rules and conventions behind the statements made and determine which statement is correct according to those rules. Andrews also believes that although the majority of linguists would be descriptive grammarians, the majority of public school teachers tend to be prescriptive.

Edit: avisen si alguno no entiende el ingles.
En realidad lo que dice la cita tuya no es comparable a lo que se puso en el anuncio que discuten.

ahi basicamente te dice que es igual usar una forma u otra de frases con un mismo significado (fewer than; less than) en cualquier ocasion mientras el que lee comprenda el mensaje y que ese tipo de lenguaje sea usado de forma cotidiana, con esas dos condiciones ya es aceptado por la gramatica descriptiva.

Con todo el quilombete que cauó aca y las varias interpretaciones, se ve que el mensaje no es claro y no se entiende, ademas de que no es un coloquialismo lo que esta en el anuncio, es simplemente un mal uso del lenguaje.