Now in production, director James Quinn’s Flesh of the Void just got its first trailer, and it’s home to nearly two minutes of weird imagery that evokes the spirit of a video you’d find buried within the bowels of the deep web. Described as an experimental film, the feature will explore “what it could feel like if death really were the most horrible thing one can experience.”

Sodom & Chimera Productions explain that “the film was shot almost entirely on expired Super 8 film from the ’80s, and is intended as a trip through the deepest fears of human beings, exploring its subject in a highly grotesque, violent and extreme manner.” They also note that it’s “80-minutes of pure Hell,” playing out like a “non linear, psychedelic nightmare.”

“If you like your horror straight and rational, this is not for you,” they warn. But “if you’re a fan of surreal mindfuck like Begotten, Subconscious Cruelty or similar experimental films, you should have your fun with it. In the end, death has no story line. Death is a state.”