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Tema: AC Unity: Problemas de rendimiento en todas las plataformas

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  1. #1
    Editor Avatar de eelnico09
    Fecha de ingreso
    Apr 2014

    AC Unity: Problemas de rendimiento en todas las plataformas

    Assassin’s Creed: Unity is out today in the US, but some people seem to have been getting their copies early with videos of the game appearing on YouTube yesterday. Unfortunately, some of those people who got their hands on the game early are reporting that there are significant technical problems with Assassin’s Creed: Unity, most notably the framerate.

    “Seriously I get the game is massive, but jesus the framerate in this game is atrocious,” said Reddit user Merkwerk talking about the PS4 version of Assassin’s Creed: Unity. “It’s not even close to a locked 30 fps, it feels like it’s running at 20 something most of the time and I’ve had it drop way below that a couple of times already.”

    Or there’s this from Shehan 1993: “Are you guys experiencing pop ins and huge frame rate drops especially in huge crowds? I’m playing on the ps4. Got any advice to fix this?”

    No, you’re not the only one Shehan, iQuebec says: “I think my PS4 is dying because I’m having a lot of problems with framerate and textures lately, now I’m playing the part where you have to blend in the crowd to get past the guards and the clothes textures pop in big crowds is horrible. Is it really my PS4 or games just run poorly lately?”

    It’s not only the PS4 version of the game that seems to be suffering, either. Xbox One users are also complaining about issues with Assassin’s Creed: Unity’s framerate.

    “I would like to warn anyone thinking about buying this game,” said thewouldbeking. “I got it with my Xbox bundle. I just started it, and it runs sub 30 frames per second constantly. I would advise to wait until its fixed or not buy it at all. It is practically unplayable.”

    It’s disappointing to hear that there are such significant issues with Assassin’s Creed: Unity. However, it’s worth remembering that Ubisoft quickly improved the performance of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag with early patches. Hopefully it will do the same here.

    Jajajaja me rio porque era tan obvio. Ya hay quejas sobre todo en las consolas, de lo mal que anda el juego. Yo lo estoy bajando, pero se que va a ser un asco y no lo voy a jugar hasta que pase como con watch dogs y saquen 325 parches.

    "Ubisoft, we keep disapointing" Es el nuevo slogan para 2015.

    Edit: Ubisoft culpa a amd por los problemas de rendimiento.

    Ubisoft culpa a AMD por sus problemas de rendimiento!

    Ubisoft dice:

    The Ubisoft PR rep said: "We are aware that the graphics performance of Assassin's Creed Unity on PC may be adversely affected by certain AMD CPU and GPU configurations. This should not affect the vast majority of PC players, but rest assured that AMD and Ubisoft are continuing to work together closely to resolve the issue, and will provide more information as soon as it is available".
    Respuesta de amd:

    "The game (in its current state) is issuing approximately 50,000 draw calls on the DirectX 11 API. Problem is, DX11 is only equipped to handle ~10,000 peak draw calls. What happens after that is a severe bottleneck with most draw calls culled or incorrectly rendered, resulting in texture/NPCs popping all over the place. On the other hand, consoles have to-the-metal access and almost non-existent API Overhead but significantly underpowered hardware which is not able to cope with the stress of the multitude of polygons. Simply put, its a very very bad port for the PC Platform and an unoptimized (some would even go as far as saying, unfinished) title on the consoles"
    Última edición por eelnico09; 14-11-2014 a las 06:40 AM

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