Down To One es un fps free for all DM, con base de survival, salis en pelotas a lootear un mapa enorme y el objetivo es ser el unico sobreviviente en pie. El mapa se va achicando a medida que pasa el tiempo para ir acercando los players. Tenes que comer y tomar agua para mantener tu nivel de energia, y parece que hay algunos enemigos npc, como serpientes y no se si zombies.

El juego esta en alpha y bastante roto, pero con desarrollo a diario, parece que el dev esta comprometido.

42 Players Start. Only 1 will survive. Down to One is a competitive survival shooter in a large, interactive, open-world environment. Start out with nothing, and use anything you can find in the environment to survive, and eliminate other competitors over the course of a brutal round.
This game is already VERY playable and VERY fun, but listen closely.

The playerbase is extremely lacking right now. To make up for it, every day, the Dev announces games on twitter. Plenty of people show up and we have a great time. The game gets an update (almost) every night. If you want to support the development of the game, and don't mind the current playerbase issues, then this is a great investment for you. You rarely see a person care this much about a game they are creating. If you can convince a few friends to pick it up, it'll never be hard for you to find a game.

The playerbase issue will work itself out as more and more people pick up this gem.

Now, about the game itself:

You're in a desert of sorts, with various types of buildings strewn throughout. You and however many people are joining the game enter via a lobby, and until everyone readies up, you can play some soccer or run around punching people and making e-motes. Once everyone readies, the game begins. Depending on the type of server you're in, you will all run from the center (ala Hunger Games), or be randomly spawned around the map. Your fight for survival begins.

You go about scavenging what you can - Food, Water, Guns, Melee Weapons, Bandages, and other goodies. You try to stay away from the poisonous snakes that prevent people from camping out in the rocky hills. You keep an eye out for the air drop, that happens once a game and drops a crate with a decent weapon. The weapons all have different attributes, and the hit boxes are actually where the should be. If you swing an axe at someone, it hits where it hits. Not in a magical line in front of you. Bullet drop is a factor. You will have to develop a certain level of skill.

Even though it seems like each game is only within itself, there is a degree of on-going customization and personalization via the character screen. The longer you survive in a match, the more money you earn to put towards perks and other goodies that follow your character through all games. And the perks aren't boring, in fact, the perks you choose can vastly effect the way you try to survive in a match.

Even in early access, it plays extremely well. The servers seem to work fine, the mechanics are great, and the developer is very open about what needs to be worked on. He's in constant contact with the community, and he really listens to suggestions. All of which leads me to believe that this game is going to be a success.

Through trickery, stealth, or out-right brute force you must survive longer than every other player. Do you make temporary allies? How long can you trust them?

Because in the end, it comes Down To One.

10/10. In my opinion, you should definitely pick up this title.

En este se ve bastante roto, pero creo que es previo al anterior

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