Agenda completa

Igual que el año pasado, va a estar maddog dando una charla

Just how secure are you, and from who?

Ever since the Patriot Act of the United States was enacted, I have been coming to Latin America with the same message: You need to develop your own infrastructure for computing. In the last year the NSA has proved me correct.
Brazil has implemented their own secure email system, and started work on fiber optic networks that bypass the coast of the United States. Even the Chinese do not want to use proprietary, closed source software from the USA.

However, routing your Internet "pipes" and replacing the Operating System and applications are not enough, and this talk will describe some of the real issues with having a really secure system, and why the path to creating one is both a problem and an opportunity for Latin America.

El año pasado fuimos con @Rhapsody y estuvo linda, al menos el rato que estuvimos.
Hay un break ahi que podes tomar y comer tranqui, hay stands de algunas empresas, y tambien una parte de Antel para probar dispositivos.
Para los que les interesa Linux y Software Libre en general, recomiendo el evento.
